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The Protectress Print

$39.55 CAD

The Protectress
8.5” w x 10”h including 1/2” white border
Limited Edition Lithography Print on Watercolour Paper
(only 25 in series) - Ready to Frame

“The Protectress” speaks to how our deep self protects itself against the artificial self . Our deepest sides of us - protects itself from our external self because that self makes bad decisions based on its trauma. I reimagined her with my pattern Passion in the background. The pattern talks of embracing all of ourselves - light. dark. flaws but also our magic. These are all parts of us. g

*Please note that cost includes applicable taxes ($35 + tax $4.55) 

Shipping - Please note we are currently not shipping due to Canada Post Strike (November 2024). Please email us for more options
 ** Use Coupon Code: LOCALPICKUP to pickup in East Toronto. Must pickup within 1 week of purchase

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